Blog 1 — ゴジラ (1954)

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As a Filipino, if I were to view this movie from a more cultural approach — it is pretty bizarre. I wouldn’t know why out of all the kinds of creatures there are to create or come up with, the Japanese decide to choose a dinosaur-like figure as their antagonist in the movie. I was really confused as to why Godzilla was wreaking havoc throughout Japan and hurting people. Although from another perspective, I can see that since the film was made a long time ago especially in Japan where technology was always a bit more advanced taking into consideration that Japan is one of the most developed countries especially today; it was visible that the special effects were really good at the time that this film was made. It was mentioned by our lecturer that since this film was made in the 50s, tools for animation were different back then compared to now — so the way that they ‘animated’ Godzilla was through a human dressed in the costume; it was like stop motion but it was called suitmation. So I found that pretty interesting because I rarely see animation made that way, especially in my generation where technology is more developed and the use of CGI and digital effects are more common.

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