WEEK 1 — Village Δ City


▶ BCM240 Media, Audience, Place

For 20 years I’ve been a city girl.
From living in Wan Chai for almost all my childhood years then moving to Kennedy Town/Sai Ying Pun to live out my early teens and early twenties. Here comes the year 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic at its’ peak in around March/April; my mum and I came to the decision to move to a village house in Tung Chung.

Five reasons Hong Kong village houses should make way for high ...
Photo taken from scmp.com

It took us around 2 weeks to find the “perfect” place for the two of us. We spent hours — well by we, I mean mainly me — scouring the internet, going on different housing sites and even social media sites to look for places to rent out. We did end up finding a place that I thought was alright but the location was not really to our best conveniency — especially for my mum since she works in Wan Chai. It had a spacious living room and three bedrooms, so there was a spare room for us to either have as a guest room or for storage. I was ready to settle for it because on the same day we discovered the place we had already visited two other houses that just didn’t fit our standards, not gonna lie I had already been close to giving up. If it weren’t for my mum to encourage me that there could potentially be a place for us, I would have never went back to scour the internet.

To my surprise, I ended up clicking on a house listing that little did I know; would be the place I reside in today.

If it weren’t for media space, I would have never find these listings and my mum and I would have a very difficult time moving houses. Through media space, I was able to surf the internet and look for available houses/flats for rent and from that I was able to communicate and get in contact with different agents and landlords without having to physically go out and walk around different estates/villages and asking if there are any available places for rent. I was capable of doing that in the comfort of my bedroom.


  1. Platzky, Laurine, and Doreen Massey. “Space, Place and Gender.” Agenda, no. 26, 1995, p. 98., doi:10.2307/4065933.

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