WEEK 2 — Back in my day… TV was just Television


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She goes back to sit at their wooden sofa where she puts one leg up to rest her arm on. With the sun shining through the screen of their door and the sound of dogs barking in the background, her and her mum watched Iskul Bukol on their television with one antenna vertically and the other horizontally.

This was about my cousin and her childhood in the Philippines back in the early 2000s. One of her most favourite memories was whenever her, along with my 10 other cousins (including me) would gather in one bedroom and all sit bunched up in one bed just to watch on our 20″ box television — it was a much simpler time she said, where we all had less responsibilities and less worries because unlike today; if we were all in one bedroom and sat on one bed; we would all have our smartphones or smart devices in our hands. My cousin would always mention the idea of adjusting the antennas, or having to unplug and plug the cable of the television since back then in the Philippines — technology was pretty slow to develop — especially if you live in the provinces/villages instead of the bustling city.

She told me that if she could, she would probably go back in time to experience that memory of hers again just because as kids; she felt it was easier to bond with one another. There was a lot less distractions, we would always be focused on the television and what we were watching and now — whenever we watch something on the TV, every so often we would pick up our phone to check for notifications.

Life Without Cable TV? Not Such a Tragedy - The New York Times
Image taken from nytimes.com

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