WEEK 6 — A Journey


▶ BCM240 Media, Audience, Place

Photo taken by me.

We started our journey off from school and walked towards the shuttle bus stops which we followed through numerous digital signs and physical signs that displayed the direction of which way to go to. While walking towards the area where the bus stops were, there were multiple people standing in line waiting for buses to arrive. Almost half of them are using their phones while waiting, while the others were either talking to people they were with or just standing and waiting in line. This actually shows authority constraints since everyone was following the queue even after the barrier that determines the line ended since the line extended more and off from the pavement.

Photo taken by me.

We waited for around 5 minutes and the bus finally arrived, while we were boarding we noticed that some people in line were still using their phones while mindlessly walking forward towards the bus. My friends and I sat near the back of the bus where we were separated between two rows since one row of seats only has two seats. While on the bus we observed that it was quiet and again, most people’s heads were down; glued to their mobile devices — this caused us to conform and do the same because we felt if we were talking or making just the slightest amount of noise, then the others would feel a sense of annoyance.

Photo taken by me.

The mall we went to was around a 5-8 minute journey, once we got off the bus we walked straight into the mall. Just looking around near the entrance of the mall, already we see many digital medias and advertisements that showcased the different products that are being sold in the mall as well as how to locate the shop itself. There were even individual screens that showed these advertisements while you ride the escalators either ascending or descending, this way you’re able to see what shops to expect on certain floors.

Photo taken by me.

The biggest thing we noticed was that there were barely any people but this was because it was only around 11AM; most shops and restaurants are just starting to open up. People are still at work at this hour as well so the only people we saw were either workers opening up their shops and/or restaurants or janitors and cleaners roaming around the mall.

Photo taken by me.
Photo taken by me.

We decided to explore the mall to see what other types of media we could spot. We noticed that on each floor that we went to, there was a TV in between the elevators, they all were broadcasting past, present or future events from the mall that we were at — in this case it was exhibitions, concerts or conferences/talks. It also showed some more advertisements of some of the shops that can be found in the mall.

Another thing we all found interesting was a particular type of device that we stumbled upon on one of the floors that we were on. With most malls, comes a concierge or a reception where usually you’re able to ask any questions about the mall directly with the help of customer service. This device did just that except it was interactive and “self-service,” which then eliminates the concept of face-to-face communication — people who use it can tap on certain tabs on the screen that are organised in a categorical way i.e. food, fashion and lifestyle.

Photo taken by me.
Photo taken by me.

After visiting this mall we all realised that there were a lot of ambient television(s), there’s a lot of media around us that we don’t really pay attention to but are always there in the background and when we only really need something or are looking for something we notice these ambient television(s). The way in which each media was placed in the mall are all taken to account since they are placed in such a way that people who walk by can glance quickly at it or are able to see it in their peripherals.

Photo taken by me.
Photo taken by me.

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