Blog Review and Design


▶ BCM240 Media, Audience, Place

My overall goal for my blog was for it to be a direct representation of myself through my writing as well as my design skills. My front page consists of my logo that I created myself as well as a short tagline about who I am with three images that are in my favourite colour and that resonate with me the most. I’m pretty familiar with creating blog designs since I’ve used the website Tumblr before, although WordPress was quite a challenge for me. I’ve made a WordPress blog in the past but I refrained from designing it and making it unique because I simply just used it as a submission platform for my assignments and was not bothered or didn’t have the time. After using WordPress for the past three semesters I grew a habit to designing and decorating my blog.

When you scroll down further on my front page you’re greeted with a little introductory message from myself and as well as a ‘taste’ of what to expect from my blogs that will be posted on here. I inserted a gif of Harley Quinn because 1. she is one of my favourite DC characters and 2. I relate to her on certain aspects. I also provided a live feed of my tweets from Twitter.

Moving onto each subheading that you can click on right below my logo, I have my about me page as well as my arts page. In my about me, I wrote a more detailed description about myself and with just reading through my about me; you’re able to get a sense of my style of writing as well as who I am as a person overall. I tried my best to make it brief yet informative, I didn’t want the viewers who potentially could view my blog to get bored on their visit to my page.

In my arts page I showcased the different artworks I’m personally proud of showing. I wanted the viewers to get a sense that I am a creative individual and not all my work is writing which means that I am flexible and can adapt to certain situations and/or jobs.

The subheadings that are after the about me and arts pages, are drop down menus. Each drop down menu has a mini drop down menu within it that provides different links to certain pages and posts. As you can see in the image here, when you hover above a subheading a list appears below it that show the different courses that I have written blogs about. Without clicking anything, once you hover again over each course; you are able to see the different individual posts of each course.

Once you click on the individual posts, you are taken to another page where you are able to read my blog on that specific topic. I also provided a blog feed for each course, to go to that; once you’re in the second mini drop down menu that showcases the course codes, you can just click the course code and it will take you to the blog feed of each course.

With each blog that I’ve written, I tried my best to be witty and/or funny right of the bat with the title of the blog just so if there is ever a case that an outsider decides to view my blog, they are able to choose something that catches their eyes. Overall I did find it tedious to design and decorate my overall look of my blog but nonetheless I had a lot of fun doing it. I didn’t have a reference to any other blogs, I just worked with what I envisioned in my head and put it down digitally.

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